[flv width=”525″ height=”280″]http://exnihilographics.com/video_blogs/bfa_6-10-11_superman.flv[/flv] This is the video blog for the Superman Festival where I saw Brian Free and Assurance. There is a good shot of the “superman statue” at the beginning that you won’t want to miss seeing, and the guys sang a lot of great songs like, I Believe, Long As I Got King…
Picture of the Day: BFA at the Superman Festival
We haven’t had a picture of the day for awhile…so here we go! Ya’ll should have fun captioning this one! The picture is priceless, isn’t it? I can’t wait to read your comments!
Brian Free & Assurance Spotted At The Superman Festival!
In all of my years of attending concerts, I’ve seen some pretty unique places hold Gospel Sings, but the most unusual, yet exciting, has to be the Superman Festival in Metropolis, Illinois. Yep! – For four whole days the town lives and breathes everything “Superman.” Tents are raised and given names like “Metro Tent,” “Smallville…
SGM Song Devotional #2 – I Believe God
I Believe God Some place their trust, in the wisdom of another Some search for light, in the dark But like a child, I have come with simple faith And the only One Who could change my heart Chorus: I believe God I believe His Word is true For I’ve seen what He can do…
GIVE-A-WAY: Mark Trammell Trivia
Time for another give-a-way! There are many new projects being released this year, and if you watched the last post (video blog) you no doubt heard Dustin Sweatman talk about MTQ’s new project, Treasures, and saw some samples of those songs live. Well, if you liked what you heard and want a chance to get…
Video Blog – The Mark Trammell Quartet
[flv width=”500″ height=”280″]http://exnihilographics.com/video_blogs/Blog_MTQ_6-10-11.flv[/flv] This time ’round I had a “video blogging buddy” ~ guess who was gracious enough to help me out with the intro – MTQ’s very own Dustin Sweatman! 🙂 You will hear a short intro telling of MTQ’s brand new project, Treasures, and their Live In Morristown DVD. The concert that evening…
Mark Trammell Quartet – Ministry In Four Part Harmony
Down in the hills of Arkansas, nestled among the curvy roads, sits the small town of Oxford…and I have to tell you, the folks down there at the Oxford Baptist Church love Southern Gospel Music! Especially quartet music! I’ve attended many concerts at this venue, and always look forward to going back. When I found…
CD Review: Lauren Talley – Songs In The Night
This solo project by Lauren Talley was released in the summer of 2010, and if you have heard her talk about these songs, you’ll realize how special they are to Lauren and can become the same to you or a friend. With her current radio single from this Cd, In Christ Alone, doing very well…
Book Review – Songs In The Night
Songs In The Night By: Lauren Talley Introduction: In 2010, Lauren Talley released a brand new solo Cd, Songs In The Night. At that time, a companion book was also published with the same title. From this testimonial, we glean a firsthand account of her struggle with adrenal disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, and her amazing…
Video Blog – Wilburn & Wilburn
[flv width=”480″ height=”280″]http://exnihilographics.com/video_blogs/Blog_W2_5-14-11.flv[/flv] If you read about the concert with Wilburn & Wilburn and would like a taste of their ministry – here is a video blog that will satisfy all your desires! Soak up great family harmony with songs like, Through It All, Mary Did You Know, and When He Calls Me I’ll Fly…