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The Whisnants

The Final Night – NQC Saturday Evening

I walked into Freedom Hall just as our host, Michael Booth, was instructing the crowd in four different types of applause that our NQC stage staff wanted to record for the NQC video.  First up, we were asked to do a “light applause,” and to demonstrate the lightness of the matter, Michael “floated” around the…

Video Blog: MTQ Homecoming Friday Night

[flv width=”500″ height=”300″][/flv] . . . This is the first video blog of the great weekend we had in Alabama at the Mark Trammell Quartet Homecoming.  Enjoy the Whisnants, MTQ and Jay Parrack!

Mark Trammell Quartet Homecoming – Friday Night

“I have nothing to brag on if Calvary is not real – if Calvary’s not sufficient, we are wasting our time.” – Mark Trammell Those are the words Mark Trammell unashamedly declared from stage at his Homecoming Sing Friday night, concerning their ministry.  Though the weekend was filled with many moments that will not be…

GIVE-A-WAY: The Brumley Bundle

Let’s see how quickly we can give-a-way this little bundle of goodies! The first person to answer the trivia question below correctly will win an autographed “Senior Moment” t-shirt from Legacy Five (Tim Parton signed this shirt just before he resigned), size XL. We have a distinctive item brought to us from Scott Howard that…


Southern Gospel Music fans travel from all over the country to attend the Brumley Sing.  What a blessing then, to have it so close to home!  Lebanon, Missouri is only a hop, skip and a jump for great Gospel Music!  A new venture that Brumley has been including in addition to their evening concerts, are…

KWFC Concert Series Fall Finale!

 “God didn’t send His Son to die on a rugged cross so we can come down to the altar, pray a little prayer, walk back to our seats unchanged, and live like there is no God.” – Eric Bennett  KWFC, the local Southern Gospel radio station for Springfield, MO conducted their final concert for the…