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The bus leaves at 8:15 AM…somehow, no matter how tired you are, when those words are floating around in your head, it’s hard toOur bus driver, Ronnie sleep.  Thankfully, on Saturday morning I didn’t sleep through the alarm and my sis and I were ready to be at the bus at 8:15.  I know you’re wondering, why do you need to be up so early at a Gospel Sing?  Well, The McKameys have a prayer breakfast on Saturday morning and if you were at the bus by 8:15 you got to go!

Our Cavallo pulled into the high school parking lot and dropped us off.  Volunteers collected our tickets at the door and we entered the building to find some tables that were empty.  Since the whole bus could not possibly sit at one table we split up and sat where there was room.  Now, if you’re thinking about a prayer breakfast being a few close fans gathered around ten or so tables, enjoying some close fellowship with their favorite group, well, let me explain.  That high school was packed with people!  The only table we saw open was on the last row and even though some folks came in after us, I seriously do not know where they put them!  There wasn’t an empty seat to be found once everyone was seated.

Our table was covered with a white cloth and had the number 14 written on it in marker.  They would call out a table number, and then the people at that table were dismissed to get in line for the food.  The McKameys wanted everyone to feel like they were being treated fairly, so they put all the numbers in a hat and drew them randomly.  This system worked very well and I was surprised when our table was one of the first ones called.  The breakfast was delightful!  We were served a little bit of everything: biscuits and gravy, sausage, bacon, eggs, hash brown casserole and a cinnamon roll.  There was plenty to eat and no possible way someone could walk away still hungry!  Once everyone finished eating the McKameys gave a word and then Sherrell’s husband, Allen Farris came and preached.  He spoke on Jonah in a way that I have never heard before.  It was a wonderful message and I’m glad I was there to hear it.

When the prayer breakfast ended it was close to noon.  We skipped lunch because no one was hungry, instead, some folks went shopping around the area where the hotel was located and others rested in their rooms.  (Guilty!)  Before the bus rolled back into the church for the evening concert we dined at Golden Girls, which is said to be The McKameys’ favorite place to eat!


That evening The Rochesters were The McKameys guests at the Home Town Sing.  Danny Jones introduced them as another example of, “A family that prays together stays together.”  The Rochesters play with live instruments and kicked off their set with a song called Don’t It Make You Want To Go.  It featured Ben and he played some mandolin on that tune.  His sister, Becky, sang the next song, which ended up being Tim Parton’s signature song, God’s Been Good.  The classic I’ll Have A New Life followed.  At this point Ben introduced his family – this group is actually made up of a couple families!  His, Becky’s and their parents Harold and Joyce.  As he introduced the members on stage, all their children joined them on stage.  I’m gonna be honest, I couldn’t keep up with the names and who was who!  There was a little boy who quoted Isaiah 53:1-6 and played guitar as “the girls” sang I Have Been Blessed.  Each child sang a line in the verses and the audience gave them a standing ovation.  Then the kids went on to sing The Perry’s Did I Mention and KPNR’s Ephesians 1.  Finished with their part in the program, the kids left the stage and their parents continued the set with I’m A Soldier and Hallelujah I’m Ready To Go.  Harold spoke a few words in between songs, but the sound in his mic was garbled and I couldn’t understand what he said!  They did two more, I Just Want To Thank You Lord and Thank You Lord For Your Blessings On Me and then they closed with a song called Patching It Up.  On this one, they called up their personal friends, Bill and Karen, to accompany them with a story acted out on stage in sign language.  It was definitely interesting!

The McKameys began their set with Right On Time and Eli’s solo, More Like Jesus Less Like Me.  “I’m telling you,” Peg exclaimed,_DSC0504 “I’ve been blessed all day long and I’m beside myself already!”  A new song was next, called I Had An Introduction.  “Alright,” Peg went on, “I asked Roger last night about singing this new song and he asked to sing it tonight instead.”  Roger interjected, “I was tired last night.”  Peg replied in a soft voice, “I know.”  Roger added, “Pooped.”  The crowd giggled.  So Roger sang his new song, Pure Satisfaction.  Their next song was a request, one that Sherrell sang the previous night, a ballad called Undeserved.  As they finished up that one and prepared for the next, Peg held her Bible high and said, “Praise the Lord for His goodness and His greatness.”  Then they sang It Sure Looks Like Home To Me.  With just Roger providing the music for Reuben’s solo, Reuben sang Thank Him For What He Has Done.  As Peg waved Carol up on stage, Reuben grinned and said, “I get to talk now – that’s one of my favorite songs.”  Carol sang I Am Home with them and they went into God On The Mountain.  Peg expressed how this year’s hometown sing has blessed her.  “All my family has been here this week,” she said, “three brothers and three sisters…now, I tell ya,’ I’ve planted them around here in different places so tomorrow we’ll hear what you said about The McKameys!”  LOL  Then she added, “Did any of you expect I’m a little hyper?  I’m so excited about this week!”  She continued to talk about the prayer breakfast that morning and how Allen gave a wonderful message.  “Our ministry is cheering up God’s people,” she added.  “If we could encourage you, and you could go home and encourage the people you know, we could have a sweeping revival!”

Their next song was a request that talked of King Jehoshaphat.  Peg said this is about King Jehoshaphat, “The enemy came and he got afraid, but he taught us when we get afraid, to pray.”  Then she quoted the verse in 2 Chronicles 20:12, where Jehoshaphat said, “Neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon thee.”  Peg added, “He fought the battle and I’ve won…you win!”  As they sang their song by that same title, I’ve Won, she tossed her shoes off and they landed on the stage with a thunk.  That song closed the first half of the evening and the audience stood to their feet and then the McKameys encored it.

During intermission the fans swamped the McKameys product table to purchase their new CD 50 (which they just received that day!).  The project is literally the family’s “50th” recording and features both old and new songs alike.  When the second half began. The Rochesters sang a few more songs, The Perry’s Three Men On A Mountain being my favorite and then The McKameys returned to sing another set.  A Christmas song, Who Would Think? was their opening tune.  A new song titled, There Is Jesus followed, along with Finish Well and their closing tune I Know How I’ve Made It.

Conclusion:  It was a wonderful co_DSC0398ncert!  I couldn’t believe that the sing was over already…well, almost over, because the following morning we’d go to church with the McKameys, but it just seemed like it went so fast!  One of my favorite things the McKameys do is when Peg tells a Bible story to introduce a song.  That’s why I couldn’t help but include her introduction to I’ve Won and her view of Jehoshaphat.  The verse she quoted was so pertinent too!  I look forward to reviewing their new CD “50” soon!

Author: lynnschronicles

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