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This year (2011) has been a great year for songs on the Singing News Charts.  Every year, fans vote for their favorites, and those votes go on to determine which song will be voted Song of the Year for the Singing News Fan Awards.  Though there can only be one song that wins, the Singing News complies the fan’s top ten favorites (according to the ballets they receive) which make one unforgettable project!

This year, many #1’s made it into the fan favorites: songs like Never Walk Alone by Brian Free and Assurance, Never Been by Greater Vision, The Shepherds Point of View by the Mckameys and many more!  Triumphant Quartet was the only group to have two of their songs make it into the top ten this year, and one of those being the ballad voted Song of the Year for 2011.  This project is one that you must add to your collection!  Every song is from an artist you know and love, and with a line up of songs like this – you or whoever is listening with you, is bound to be uplifted, encouraged and inspired!
Go to to order your copy today!

1. Faithful One
Artists: Booth Brothers
Tempo: Fast
Project: Room For More
Message: Beginning with the chorus, the idea of these lyrics point us to the faithfulness of God.  We can count on Him doing what He’s done in the past – because He’s faithful.  We can also count on Him to do what is best for us in the future – because He’s faithful.  With these evidences and more, we can declare along with the chorus’s closing line, “I’m standing on His promises, He’s the faithful One.” With conviction, the first verse tells of the things that God has done for them.  You can’t argue with someone who has seen something and knows that what they are talking about is true!  In this verse, new mercies and God’s goodness is what has been experienced…and you can’t dispute facts!  The second verse speaks to the listener, reminding them that they also have stories of the Lord’s devotion.  Through thick and thin you’ve never walked alone.  I have to quote the last line, there is just no better way to say it!  “You’ve tried Him and He’s proven time and again – got a lifetime of reasons to keep trusting Him!”
Other Comments:  This song jumped into the top five of the SN Charts for the Booth Brothers at the beginning of this year – a success!  (If I may say so myself!)

2.  Love Came Calling
Artists: Triumphant Quartet
Tempo: Slow/medium
Project: Love Came Calling
Message: This song is unique in that instead of calling the Lord by one of His names, such as Jesus, Lord, Christ or any of His other numerous titles – it refers to Him as “Love.”  So with that in mind, let’s see who Love calls in the first verse!  We are taken to the storm the disciples experienced in Galilee…there “love came calling” to Peter.  Lazarus also, after four days in the grave was called upon by the Lord.  The chorus begins with some of the emotions you would associate with “love:” for example the line, “Love came calling like a warm embrace, every doubt and fear erased…” Then, it appeals to some of our other senses, like having that friend around that you know will never let you down.  Back to the Bible stories we are so familiar with, the second verse focuses on a woman who lived a life a shame.  (It’s difficult to distinguish if the lyrics are referring to the woman at the well or the woman caught in adultery – I suppose it doesn’t matter, seeing that the words can apply to both situations.)  We see the mission of the Savior in this line, “She had lived a life of such regret, beyond the line of grace and yet, He was calling, Love came calling.” The third and final verse brings the message around to present day where we can also say that love came calling to us before we even knew it existed.  The song closes with these thoughts of hearing the song of freedom sung by no one other than that Voice of Love that called to all of these others so many centuries ago.
Other Comments:  Did you ever notice that this song doesn’t end with the chorus, but ends with the third verse?  Interesting!  Very interesting indeed!  – And a nice change of pace from the norm of what we’re use to hearing!  This song was also voted the winner of the Singing News Fan Awards for Song of the Year for 2011 – go Triumphant!

3.  Never Been
Artists: Greater Vision
Tempo: Fast
Project: Welcome Back
Message:  The first verse speaks of the uniqueness of our God.  He is the Lord, yet our Father, He is all-powerful and rules this universe.  But at the same time, He also dwelt among us on this earth and stretched out His loving hand on Calvary, becoming our Savoir, and saving us from our sins…He’s the only One who has ever been that for us!  The chorus takes on a contrast that is pretty neat.  It talks about all of the things that’s “never been,” or never happened before, that are unique to our Lord.  There has never been another hand nailed to a cross as precious as His, there’s never been another master plan like that of our salvation, neither has there been another perfect life lived like Christ’s and given as a ransom for many.  I love the closing line that states, “Hallelujah, He’s the God who’s gone where others have never been.” The second verse talks about all of things Jesus does in our lives that no one else has ever done.  He changes lives, gives peace, forgives sinners, makes us pure through His blood, takes us home to glory and more!  Truly, there has “never been” any like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Other Comments:  This song was #1 on the Singing News Charts for the month of January, 2011!  I really like how this song focuses on the uniqueness of Christianity and points out that our God is the only “god” that sacrificed for others.  The first verse GV sings together, then Rodney Griffin gets a solo on the second verse.

4.  Never Walk Alone
Artists: Brian Free And Assurance
Tempo: Ballad
Project: Never Walk Alone
Message: The message of this song is really indescribable – you just have to listen to the lyrics themselves!   The theme is centered around human nature at it’s greatest need…loneliness.  The first verse tells us of how Christ came to restore our fellowship to God, but in the end, no one stood with Him, He was alone.  By what Christ did on the cross, He not only made a way of salvation, but gave a promise that no one would ever “walk alone.”  He took that burden upon Himself that day at Calvary, so we would never have to know what true loneliness feels like.  The chorus assures us that when we are hurting, His Spirit never leaves us, we don’t have to bear anything by ourselves.  Everything that He went through, we will never have to experience.  The second verse takes the point a little further, not only did He walk alone so we didn’t have to, He did it as a man.  He walked this earth like we do, so He would know exactly what it’s like when we come to Him with our problems.  Though our problems are nothing compared to what He endured, Christ takes individual interest in helping His children through everything they go through.
Other Comments:  Never Walk Alone was #1 on the Singing News Charts for the month of May, 2011!  This is such a touching song featuring Brian Free.  He sings the majority of the ballad by himself, until the end where Bill Shivers (lead singer) harmonizes with Brian at the ad lib.

5.  Just Stand
Artists: Legacy Five
Tempo: Fast
Project: Just Stand
Message:  The message of this song is simple – just stand and trust God!  In the first verse we get a picture of Moses and the children of Israel standing in front of the Red Sea.  The people see Pharaoh’s approaching army, then they set their eyes on the Sea and ask where God is in all of it.  On the other hand, Moses prays to Jehovah for help because he can’t do anything else.  Everyone wanted to know the solution for getting out of that mess.  The answer? – Just stand!  The chorus tells us that when things come our way we can’t control, we are called to “just stand” and watch the Lord make a way.  I love the line that says, “Don’t turn around and go back the way you came.” “Moving” isn’t always what we ought to be doing!  Sometimes, God wants us to stand and watch Him work.  The second verse goes back to the Red Sea and finishes the story.  Israel is terrified and Moses is also afraid, the question is: “Can he trust the God in heaven?” The answer is yes!  Moses did as God instructed and the waters parted, giving Israel a way of escape.
Other Comments:  This up-beat number features bass singer Glenn Dustin on the verses and reminds us that when trials come – just stand!

6.  By Your Grace For Your Glory
Artists:  Gold City
Tempo: Ballad
Project: Moment of Truth
Message:  “Where would I be without Your love?  What kind of life would I be guilty of?” These heart catching lyrics open the first verse of this lovely ballad about the grace and glory of the Lord Jesus that He has shed on us.  The rest of the verse ponders what life would be like if Jesus Christ would not have redeemed us, and lifted us up to stand.  The chorus says that it is all by His grace and for the glory of the Lord that these things are so.  We can tell of all the doors He’s opened, proclaim the unique story He has given each and every one of us, and most of all, that we might give, love, and live “by Your grace and for Your glory…” The second verse tells us of all the things that have not brought us to where we are: not our own strength, reckless steps, pride, or works of righteousness.  Instead, we owe everything to Him!
Other Comments:  This is a beautiful ballad sung by Daniel Riley, baritone singer of the quartet.  However, it is quite a mystery to me how a song that was not on the ballet for the Singing News Fan Awards, came to be on the Cd the Singing News produced in recognition of the top ten songs voted on by SN subscribers.

7.  Celebrate Me Home
Artists: Perrys
Tempo: Slow
Project:  Blue Skies Coming
Message:  Written in first person, the first verse looks forward to the future time when it’s time to cross the river into glory.  Torn between heaven and earth – family and the paradise that awaits me above, I ask the Lord to hold my hand while stepping into the water.  The chorus announces the arrival into heaven, that sweetly sings, “Celebrate me home – celebrate me there…” and continues to list the things that those left behind on earth can celebrate: a heavenly land full of wonders, a sinner saved by grace, etc.  The last line of the refrain has to be the pivotal line in the lyrics that say, “Don’t just sit and weep because I’m gone…celebrate me home.” The second verse brings us back to earth, where “I” explain that my whole purpose on this journey is to prepare for that time when He will take me away.  What a comfort to know that when my final breath is taken – I will be home.  The bridge reminds all of us what will be left behind on that day when we’ll run into the arms of the Heavenly Father.
Other Comments:  Interesting enough, at the National Quartet Convention showcase “The Singing News Straw Poll” – this song sung by Libbi Stuffle was “voted” song of the year!  Though it didn’t take away that award when the final ballets were counted, this ballad did hold the #1 position on the SN charts for the month of July.

8.  Testimony
Artist: Mark Trammell Quartet
Tempo: Fast
Project: Testimony
Message: The first verse speaks of how sometimes things get rough for the children of God…have you ever had a time when nothing goes the way it should?  Well, the words to this song bring out that we have a choice of standing strong, giving God the glory and encouraging others with our story, and that is a mighty good one!  The refrain challenges us to “Turn every test into a testimony!” We can help others through their times of trials and claim the victory with a shout!  The second verse encourages us to speak of the Lord’s power whenever we get the chance, and testify of how He is always there for His people, even in their times of trial.  We know that He will see us through everything we face as we grow in our spiritual life…and of course, sharing our testimony with others!  The bridge declares that we can’t keep the good news of our deliverance to ourselves – we just have to share it with someone!
Other Comments:  When the Mark Trammell Quartet puts out any kind of project, you know it’s going to be quality material!  This song is no exception!  I was disappointed that it didn’t go to #1…but hey, #2 isn’t so bad, is it?  Testimony reached that position on the SN charts of May of this year.  (But fans, for the next single, lets make it a #1! Amen?)

9.  Somebody Died For Me
Artists: Triumphant Quartet
Tempo: Slow
Project: Everyday
Message: The first verse describes a boy who grew up in trouble with the law, he spent time in jail on and off, until one day his father told him he wasn’t paying bail anymore.  Now, the young man joined the Army and went to Iraq – when he came home, he was a changed man.  People speculated that Army life was the reason for his transformation – but in the chorus, we get a different answer.  Instead, the soldier testified that Christ was the one who turned his life around by giving a little bit of the gospel message.  Before he even asked for help, Christ died centuries before to be able to give that help.  When he couldn’t save himself, Christ gave His life in exchange for the death he deserved.  Indeed, “I cannot live the way I lived, be the way I was, everyday’s a gift to me – because – Somebody died for me.” The second verse fast forwards to the same soldiers funeral.  One of his friends tries to speak before the family of the night when his friend passed on the battlefield.  After his conversion, it wasn’t a surprise that he died in such a way, he was always telling others of how Jesus died for Him.  The bridge takes on a thought provoking summery of the song.  It implies that life is short and we ought not to waste one moment, though more importantly, with every breath, remember that Somebody Died For Me….
Other Comments:  This song really hits home and reminds us that the Lord can save anybody!  Scott Inman sings the lead on the verses ~ I love hearing songwriters sing their own songs!

10.  The Shepherd’s Point Of View
Artists: McKameys
Tempo: Slow
Message: In the first verse, you are standing on the mountain top, holding hands with Jesus while contemplating the trial you just came through.  As He pulls you closer to Himself, Christ points back to the valley and unravels it’s secrets.  Now, in verse two, looking back on the way you just came, Jesus begins to answer all your questions.  He shows you the danger in the way you would have chosen for yourself and how those paths would have lead you away from Him.  The lyrics continue on to verse three, and you‘re reminded of the places where your strength was gone and He had to carry you through it.  I like the description of your tears falling on His shoulder as you thank Him for what He’s done, but the best line has to be the Shepherd’s response, “Child, I knew that one day, you’d see this valley from above.” The chorus talks about how differently things look from the mountain – where our Shepherd sees things.  Once you see the valley through His eyes, it will never look the same, for things look different “from the Shepherds point of view.”
Other Comments:  The Shepherd’s Point of View was #1 on the Singing News Charts for the month of December in 2010!  What a great song about trials and valleys!

Conclusion:  All of these songs are just delightful!  I thank the Singing News for giving the fans a chance to be a part of  the Singing News Fan Awards!  It sure is fun, and I always look forward to getting that first ballet in my issue every year.  Another big thank you to the artists for recording and writers who pen such great songs!  They truly are a blessing and encouragement to all who hear ya’ll sing them!

The only thing that caught my attention about this project is this:  on my ballet that lists the top ten songs of the year for 2011, Ernie Haase and Signature Sound are listed with a song that took them to #1 in March of this year, I Thirst…interestingly enough, this song does not appear on the Cd!  Instead, Gold City’s By Your Grace and For Your Glory took it’s place!

Author: lynnschronicles

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