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Welcome to Isaiah’s Legacy Blog Hop – Stop #18 & #19

Categories: Books,The Latest

1 Week ~ 24 Blogs ~ 3 Incredible Prizes!

Learn a little about Isaiah’s Legacy and enter multiple giveaways while picking up CLUES at
each stop. Compile all the clues, submit the final PHRASE at the last stop, and you’ll be entered
to win one of 3 Grand Prizes!

What are the prizes? They’re completely unique to the winners!

Mesu will contact each winner personally to chat about what they would most like to see in
Israel, and then she’ll SHOP for just the right gift while touring Israel, March 6-19! She’ll then
purchase a personal and memorable gift specifically chosen for each of those three winners and
ship them to each one when she returns. How fun is that?!

How does the Scavenger Hunt & Blog Tour Work?

  • Begin at Stop #1. At the end, you’ll find a CLUE and a link to the next stop.
    Progress to each stop IN ORDER.
  • Collect all the clues—in order—and submit the full phrase at the last blog stop in
    the Rafflecopter form. Every stop has a clue, so be sure not to skip any along the
  • You may enter the final giveaway only once and win only one grand prize.
  • The Hunt begins 2/19/20 at noon EDT. Deadline for entries is Tuesday, 02/25 at
    midnight Eastern.
  • For best results, hunt through our list using Chrome or Firefox as your browser
    (not Explorer).

There is NO RUSH to complete the hunt—you have a whole week! As you visit each blog, it’s
our hope that you get to know Mesu’s BFF team and discover the heart behind Isaiah’s Legacy.

* * *


My name is Lynn. Isaiah’s Legacy is the third book I’ve helped promote
on Mesu’s BFF team. From the first time I picked up one of Mesu’s books, I was blown away
how it brought Bible stories I’ve heard all my life to life in a new way – and Isaiah’s Legacy is no

If you’re like me and want even more, then head on over to Mesu Andrews website and sign up
for her newseletter – where you can receive an FREE prequel novella to Isaiah’s Legacy!
Sign up for newsletter here:

When I signed up to be a part of the blog tour and Mesu asked what topic I would like to
feature on this blog, I chose book research. Y’all, one of my favorite parts about Mesu’s
books is the “Author’s Note” at the end where she shares what is fact and what is
fiction in the novel. I couldn’t wait to see what Mesu would share. So, I won’t keep you
waiting any longer! Here it is…



* * *

Do you see that rabbi in the picture? He’s studying a scroll—likely written in ancient
Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek—with history and traditions I know only a little about.

Do you see that little girl with the finger paints on her hands? She’s showing you what
my knowledge of Jewish history and tradition looks like compared to a true scholar in
these areas.

Never forget, y’all . . . I write fiction. Yes, I love research, and I do a lot of it. I take great
care to ensure what we publish never contradicts the Bible and is historically accurate.
But I haven’t been raised in the Jewish faith and culture, so when I study Jewish sacred
texts (Midrash, Talmud, Sanhedrin, etc.), I come at it from the outside with my face
pressed against the glass, looking in.

Respecting the Differences

As I describe my research on Isaiah’s martyrdom, I want to clarify my utmost respect for
the Jewish texts and the God-ordained mission given to Jacob’s descendants of
recording their history as every nation’s blessing (Gen.12:3). We Gentiles who have
been grafted into Abraham’s family through faith (Gal.3:7-9) reap an eternal harvest
because of Jewish faithfulness in preserving the Tanakh—what we today call the Old

As I understand the Jewish religious culture, their sacred texts are studied diligently, but
rabbinic commentary and new revelation are also added to doctrine and held in equal (if
not greater) esteem. This is where my heart and research methods diverge from my
Jewish kindred.

I hold God’s Word (both Old and New Testaments) as absolute Truth. Unalterable.
Indisputable. God-inspired. The other Jewish texts are historical documents that give us
valuable insights but often conflict, offering alternative theories or expanded stories that
haven’t been recorded in the Truth of Scripture. Such is the case with the prophet
Isaiah’s death.

Three Possibilities

For this depth of research, I went to a scholarly library (university or seminary), but I’ll
offer an abridged online resource here (CLICK HERE for the online Jewish
Encyclopedia) that’s very helpful for our short discussion. It offers three possible
scenarios for Isaiah’s martyrdom, each from reputable sources.

Version #1

Manasseh accused Isaiah of blasphemy; Isaiah utters the unspeakable Name of
Yahweh, and a cedar tree opens up and swallows him. Manasseh orders the tree sawn
in half, and Isaiah dies when the saw reaches his mouth. (Eee-gad!)

Version #2

Isaiah fled when he heard Manasseh was trying to kill him and hid in a cedar tree. He
was found when the fringe of his robe gave him away, and Manasseh ordered the tree
sawn in half with his grandfather still in it.

Version #3

Basically, the same as version #2 but with the added detail that Isaiah’s blood “spurted
forth.” (Oh my sakes!)

The Scene in Isaiah’s Legacy

Did I really put this scene in my book? Yes, because it shows Manasseh’s level of
depravity. HOWEVER, I hope y’all know I would never sensationalize evil or celebrate
sin. This scene actually became a turning point of HOPE for the Yahweh followers in
this story!

I didn’t stick with any of the three versions above but took some information from each
one (Don’t worry, I left out the blood spurting). Because I don’t want to spoil this
powerful turning point in the book, I won’t say more, but let me assure you—the scene I
most dreaded writing became one that I believe God has really blessed in this book.

What Do We Learn?

There’s an entire book called, THE MARTYRDOM OF ISAIAH, in a Jewish sacred text
called the Pseudepigrapha. If you dip your toe into research waters, you may find
yourself drowning in confusing texts and conflicting stories. I certainly do each time I
begin research on a new book.

That’s why I stand on Scripture alone as my single, unalterable TRUTH. All the other
texts have a different “ring” to them. Almost like fairy tales. As I wade through the
mountains of information, I’ll often find a golden thread woven through them that
somehow connects to the Truth I know from Scripture—and that’s how I make the
decisions on the fact and fictional elements of the plot.

Was Isaiah really martyred by his grandson Manasseh? Historical sources
overwhelmingly agree he was though they differ on the circumstance. I believe Isaiah
likely hid in a tree and was somehow executed by Manasseh, his grandson, by being
sawed in half. Exactly how those things happened, we’ll never know—or we’ll discover it
in heaven because it brought glory to God!

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Psalm 150:6

Here’s the Stop #18 and #19 stuff!

Stop #18 CLUE to write down: and a

Stop #19 CLUE to write down: Bridegroom


Link to Stop #20: Stop #20

Bookmark STOP #1 so you can check the tour schedule and get back on track if at any
point you get lost or find a broken link.

Enjoy the hunt!


Curious about Mesu’s research? Discover how she chose which parts of Isaiah’s
martyrdom to include in #IsaiahsLegacy and which to leave out.

Author: lynnschronicles

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