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“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”  – Proverbs 3:5-6

Every evening Todd would open the concert with prayer and a short Scripture reading.  The familiar verses above were the ones pondered Friday night.  “When we do things the way we understand, we mess it up.” Todd said, expounding on the text.

“I love this group,” continued Todd, getting ready to introduce the opening act.  “They’ve helped us build our sing through the years – welcome Higher Power Quartet.”  Four men walked on stage and began singing Everybody Praise the Lord.  During that first song the monitors sent a squeaky reverb into the crowd.  The bass singer gave a lengthy introduction to their next song, I Am the Way.  Behold the Man and Bread and Water followed.  The tenor shared how his brother-in-law passed away a week ago (at that time, of course) and then he went on to talk about Easter.  When it Pours God Reigns followed with group introductions.  Personally, the group introductions had me fit to be tied.  Though it was obvious that Higher Power wasn’t a professional quartet, I didn’t think it was necessary to introduce every person you’re related to.  The stage really isn’t the place to tell everyone about all your aunts, uncles, cousins and their friends.  Anyway, Triumphant’s song, The Great I AM, closed out their set.

The Lesters from Saint Louis, Missouri, were next on the line-up and came on stage singing Nothing But the Blood, The Message of Jesus Christ and Goodness and Mercy.  Brian began the set seated on a stool and took a moment to explain why after they sang their first three songs.  He was having some back issues and it was recommended that sitting during concerts would be better than standing.  (Though, if you’re familiar with Brian’s enthusiasm singing these songs, it was a wonder that he could stay seated singing them!)  Quickly he introduced Matt, Jonathan and himself.  Jonathan then sang His Favorite Song of All, which was followed by His Redeemed.  Brian told how the Lester’s ministry has been around for 90 years…but, he wanted the crowd to know that he was not there for all 90!  LOL!  A Fanny Crosby hymn, I Shall Know Him, came next.  With a sweet spirit in the room, Brian launched into an a ‘cappella chorus of What a Day That Will Be.  “Amen?” he asked the crowd when he finished the chorus.  Yet, he didn’t stop there, instead he went into another verse.  An upbeat tune called, Anytime, followed.  Jonathan asked his wife, Baily and “Little Jon” if they would come up on stage, as they were making their way to the front he teased, “I love my wife very much but she made me do something this year, trade my truck in for a mini-van.”  LOL!  With his arm around Baily and Little Jon grabbing for his mic, Jonathan sang Thank God For Kids.  At one point, Little Jon actually grabbed the mic with both hands!  He sure wanted to sing with Daddy!  About half way through the song Baily handed Little Jon to “Grandpa” and Matt gave Little Jon his mic…which he dropped on the stage making a “thump” sound.  Everyone laughed.  “As long as the Lester’s are around we will always sing this song,” said Jonathan afterwards  – then they sang Amazing Grace.  A short cd pitch followed and then they launched into their last song, We’ll Understand it Better in the By and By.

Todd was getting ready to introduce the last group of the evening when he said, “…and I’m sure that later on tonight you will receive instruction from Mark Trammell on what to do with Michael Booth tomorrow night.” (LOL!)   “Welcome the Mark Trammell Quartet!”  The quartet opened with Leave Your Sorrows and To Know He Knows Me.  “I’m gonna answer a request right now, here it comes!” Mark exclaimed – Nick then sang Testimony.  “It’s always a joy to come to Osage Beach,” Mark said afterwards, thanking those who host the event.  “Mosie Lister was one of my all-time favorite writers,” he went on, “he penned this song years ago and asked an important question, listen.”  How long has it been, since you knelt by your bed and told Him your hearts hidden secrets?  After that first line the audience applauded.  Mark introduced the guys and then went into Wonderful Time Up There, When the Kings Comes to Claim His Throne and a request for Randy to sing Side By Side.  Of course, Mark and the other guys pretended to be “disturbed” by the lyrics but the funny thing was most of the people in the audience were singing it with him!  LOL!  After, Mark hollered, “Have you enjoyed our last trip to Osage Beach?”  LOL!  Then they sang I’ll Take It To The Grave and The King Is Coming.

Oh, and Mark did give the crowd instructions for Michael Booth…come back for the next post to find out what they were!

Author: lynnschronicles

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