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CD Review: Hymns and Harmony – The Whisnants

To one generation, hymns relive memories of the past.  To another, they are a new sound just discovered.  On the Whisnant’s Hymns and Harmony CD, they are both.  In 2012 the Whisnants released a project titled “Hymns and Harmony.”  The idea for this recording originated in a conversation between the Whisnants and Greater Vision –…

DVD Review: Live in Louisville – The Mark Trammell Quartet

It was close to ten after seven in the evening on September 11, 2012 when the announcer at the National Quartet Convention introduced the next group to main stage, “Ladies and gentlemen…the Mark Trammell Quartet!”  So it began, the live taping of what now is MTQ’s current DVD, Live in Louisville, displaying eight of the…

DVD Review: Lari Goss – The Man Behind The Music

“When you add to it truth, absolute truth, it takes it (music) to a whole another level.” – Michael Booth For over four decades, producer and arranger Lari Goss has worked with over 100 of Gospel Music’s finest artists, played on countless recordings and arranged some of the most heavenly sounds you’ll hear on this…

March Motion Pictures: Christian Country Girl – Red Roots

The song we featured last week spoke of the example Christian men have on those around them, specifically their families.  Now, we’re going to feature a video for the girls!  The Red Root’s “Christian Country Girl” instills in young women (and really ladies of all ages) a passion to do what’s right and follow the…

CD Review: Our Anthem – Tribute Quartet

Tribute Quartet released their current CD, Our Anthem, in the Fall of 2012 and with it, came an anthem for everyone that believes in the Lord Jesus Christ.  The songs are geared to bless, give hope, and most of all, provide a song of praise that the listener can live for and claim as their…

March Motion Pictures: Week 1 – I Want To Be That Man

Welcome to March Motion Pictures!  Over the course of the next four Tuesdays, we’ll be featuring a music video from one of Southern Gospel Music’s rising or nationally known artists.  Our first video is “I Want To Be That Man” from Brian Free and Assurance.  This song held the #1 position on the Singing News…

Photo Album: Great Smokies Praisefest (2012)

    Last October, we had the privilege of attending The Great Smokies Praisefest hosted by Greater Vision in Sevierville, TN for the first time.  Over the course of three days we enjoyed Legacy Five, the Mark Trammell Quartet, the Booth Brothers, Geraldine and Ricky, the Collingsworth Family, Mike Speck, the Kingdom Heirs, Dr. Charles…

GIVE-A-WAY – Count Your Blessings!

    February is here!…and so is our next give-a-way!  This month, you can enter to win Legacy Five’s new CD, Count Your Blessings.  This project features their new bass singer, Matt Fouch and includes some great classic songs that you will love to hear L5 sing!  (Some are: Heaven Came Down, Blood Washed Band,…

Meramec Cavern Photos

I hope Monday is setting a positive tone for your week!  I’m very pleased to let ya’ll know that there is a new photo album up!  Last October we attended the Lester’s Homecoming at the Meramec Caverns for the first time and had a blast!  (This Gospel sing is more commonly know as “the cave”…

CD Review: Count Your Blessings – Legacy Five

Count Your Blessings released in early November (2012) by Legacy Five, and in many ways encompasses three major “firsts” for the quartet.  With the departure of long standing member Glenn Dustin, Count Your Blessings is the project to debuts L5’s new bass singer, Matt Fouch.  Though this quartet formed just over a decade ago, Matt…