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NQC – Monday Night

The click of my high heels echoed in the hall quickly becoming lost in the countless sounds of other footsteps, voices and the occasional cell phone ring.  I had just come from the Exhibit Hall and was anxious to weave through the crowd and find a seat in the arena.  The buzz urged me to…

November Give-A-Way

As I look out the dining room window, a bright yellow maple tree reminds me that Fall is in full swing.  I love this time of year and can’t keep the stereo silent.  The beauty outside just beckons me to keep the music playing whether I‘m at home, in the car or outside.  One of…

The MaKameys and the McCune’s

  A mixture of yellow, red and orange whizzed by as I drove down highway 60 towards Mountain Grove.  It was a beautiful fall day.  When you plan on attending a Gospel concert, you should always allow extra time for road construction…as I should have done last Saturday.  Suddenly, I had plenty of time to…

CD Review: Quartet Style – Booth Brothers

“We cut a record!” Michael Booth exclaimed, holding up a CD with enthusiasm at the end of one of the most anticipated concerts this year. (2013) When the Booth Brothers and Gene McDonald came together at the Memphis Quartet Show and sang as the “Booth Brothers Quartet” earlier this June, fans eagerly awaited this new…

GIVE-A-WAY: September Surprise!

Hello everyone!  I just returned home from a GREAT week in Louisville, Kentucky at the National Quartet Convention, and now I’m “stocked up” and ready for the September give-a-way!  This give-a-way will be different than any other we’ve done so far this year.  I’m so excited!  One lucky winner will not receive just two, but…

Sunday With The Whisnants and Greater Vision

September first dawned on a Sunday morning and though fans of SGM hated to admit it, the Southern Gospel Picnic was drawing to a close.  Sunday was the second to last day of the festival.  Who would have thought you could have so much fun in the heat?  LOL  Ah, but you can!  I tried…

Special Surprises for September

Greetings from Louisville, Kentucky!   Last night the National Quartet Convention kicked off with an evening concert featuring the Whisnants, the Collingsworth Family and the Kingdom Heirs.  Today begins the first full day of the 56th NQC that will go down in history as the “Last Year In Louisville.”  Next year, NQC will move to…

From Morning To Evening…

The lights dimmed low as a power point screen descended in front of the stage in the Red Gold Heritage Hall.  Seconds later a promo video from Humana began to play.  I would be lying if I didn’t admit that the location of the screen held my curiosity more than what was running on it. …

The Barn, The Hollow and The Singing

  “Just think of the blog,” said Pat Barker with a mischievous grin on his face.  At that moment, the only thing I could think of, or maybe, trying to think of, was why a perfectly sane girl from Missouri was going on a ride that was sure to make her sick.  It was a…

The Things That Never Happen

  “Would you remain standing and welcome our host group from just up the road in Gadsden, Alabama, the Mark Trammell Quartet!” exclaimed the emcee, Jay Parrack.  It was Saturday night at the Mark Trammell Quartet Homecoming and MTQ had just stepped on stage to kick off the night with Echoes From the Burning Bush. …