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all Christian cruise

Sea Days

The murky water below churned as the ms Paradise glided through the dark waves.  Along the horizon, the sky and water only had one color.  Black.  It was just after six o’clock in the morning and I was determined to see that orange ball pop over the horizon on Tuesday.  Being early in the week,…

The Sea That Leads Home

The last day of the cruise was a full day at sea.  We were on our way home.  This was sad for me because I so wanted to spend more time exploring the Bahamas!  But even the best vacation must come to an end.  On a brighter note, I was determined to enjoy every minute…

The Shallow Sea

                                                                                                                                                                      Half Moon Cay, or, San Salvador, was the second destination on our tour of the Bahamas.  At 9:00 AM, the announcement was made that you could begin disembarking for the island.  At nine o’clock, I was in the Coconut Lounge eating breakfast and looking out on the turquoise waters.  We agreed the day before…

Photo Album: Singing at Sea

Ahoy there matey!  Be ye interested in a tour of the Bahamas on board The Fascination?  If ye are, click HERE to view the photos! Usually, I leave the photo album till last, after all the reviews are posted.  But this time I couldn’t resist sharing these scenes as soon as possible!  Hope you enjoy!