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Blood of Christ

Easter 2012 Conclusion – By Roger Bennett

On March 27, 2005, Roger Bennett wrote the following article, Why The Cross, Why The Tomb? – for Easter of that year. I thought it would fit as a perfect conclusion to our little study on the blood of Jesus Christ. Enjoy!March 27, 2005… Why The Cross, Why The Tomb? “In the current environment of…

Easter 2012 – Only By The Blood…

I’ve been thinking about this topic, (the blood of Christ), for a while in preparation for these posts. I really wanted the last post to be the grand finale – the climax – the best of them all…yet, it’s hard to sum up everything we’ve talked about over the course of a week in one…

Introduction: Easter 2012 – It’s All About The Blood

“God’s love is all about the blood of Jesus Christ.” Last year for Easter we took a look at different characters surrounding the cross: the Roman Centurion, Peter, the thief on the cross, Barabbas, Joseph and of course none other than our Lord Himself. This year, I’d like to do a completely different study with…