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Brian Free

Brian Free and Assurance – The Game or the Gospel?

At this time of year, it seems that nothing can compete with the games, (World Series, football, etc) … except, Brian Free and Assurance!!!  These guys rolled into Lifepoint Church in Lebanon, Missouri, and it just happened to be the night of a big game between Lebanon and Springfield High School football  – and to…

A Visit with Brian Free – NQC 2011

While at Convention, I found several artists who were kind enough to take the time to chat with me and answer a few questions. In this clip, we are talking with Brian Free. As you can imagine, crowds were heavy in the Convention Hall, so the background noise can be a distraction at times. Thank…

From Afghanistan To NQC – Friday Night

The Friday night Main Stage event at NQC was one memorable night for me, even though I was only able to be in Freedom Hall for the last half of the evening.  Our hosts for the night were Dennis Swanberg and Debra Talley.  I walked in when Gerald Wolfe was on stage leading the audience…

Real Tenors Wear Pink! – Thursday at NQC

The Thursday night Main Stage performance at NQC was one of the longest nights I spent in Freedom Hall.  It was just one of those nights that everyone I wanted to see was on, so when I reached my seat, I settled in for a long night!  Tim Lovelace entertained the audience with some “Fan…

Monday Night Main Stage – NQC!

Monday, the first official day of the National Quartet Convention!  To say that there was excitement in the air would be an understatement!  I was so excited I spent almost the entire night in Main Stage and didn’t even realize it.  LOL.  Gerald Wolfe and Karen Peck were our hosts for the evening, and they…

GIVE-A-WAY: Brian Free and Assurance…and Superman!

As you can see from the picture above, this give-a-way comes with multiple items!  Not only will you have a chance to win Brian Free and Assurance’s brand new 7 Hit’s collection, but also a 33rd Anniversary T-Shirt from the Superman Festival in Metropolis, IL (where I saw BFA sing earlier this month), one of…

Video Blog – BFA at Superman Festival

[flv width=”525″ height=”280″][/flv] This is the video blog for the Superman Festival where I saw Brian Free and Assurance.  There is a good shot of the “superman statue” at the beginning that you won’t want to miss seeing, and the guys sang a lot of great songs like, I Believe, Long As I Got King…

Brian Free & Assurance Spotted At The Superman Festival!

In all of my years of attending concerts, I’ve seen some pretty unique places hold Gospel Sings, but the most unusual, yet exciting, has to be the Superman Festival in Metropolis, Illinois. Yep! – For four whole days the town lives and breathes everything “Superman.” Tents are raised and given names like “Metro Tent,” “Smallville…