“He has never loved less than a Father And when his children’s lives come undone He has never abandoned a daughter or forsaken a son Not one, not one” After listening to this song from Brian Free and Assurance titled “Not One,” I began thinking of some of the places in the Word of God…
Brian Free and Assurance Devotional Series – Intro
[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNZEJJwQYkc[/youtube]
Easter 2012 Conclusion – By Roger Bennett
On March 27, 2005, Roger Bennett wrote the following article, Why The Cross, Why The Tomb? – for Easter of that year. I thought it would fit as a perfect conclusion to our little study on the blood of Jesus Christ. Enjoy!March 27, 2005… Why The Cross, Why The Tomb? “In the current environment of…
Easter 2012 – Only By The Blood…
I’ve been thinking about this topic, (the blood of Christ), for a while in preparation for these posts. I really wanted the last post to be the grand finale – the climax – the best of them all…yet, it’s hard to sum up everything we’ve talked about over the course of a week in one…
Easter 2012 – Just One Drop…
So…blood is powerful, isn’t it? While doing the research for these posts, I learned a lot about blood and how it functions in our bodies. Quotes like this grabbed my attention, *1“Every three seconds someone needs blood,” and “There is no substitute for human blood.” That’s some powerful information, and I’m not sure I grasp…
Easter 2012 – The Healing Stream Of 2000 + Years
“It’s a healing stream, a fountain, an eternal cleansing flood.” For the last few posts we’ve been taking a deeper look into the importance of the blood of Jesus Christ. Today, I would like to take a different approach to the same subject and do a little “compare and contrast” with the blood in our…
Easter 2012 – Seven Things About The Blood…
“It’s the river of forgiveness to wash away our sin…” So far, we’ve learned what would happen if we took the blood out of Easter and the Passover. Yesterday, we saw what would happen if we took the blood out of the Bible. Today, I want to focus on what happens when you put the…
Easter 2012 – What The Blood Does
“It’s the scarlet thread that ties the beginning to the end…” This is the first line that we are going to take from our theme song, It’s All About The Blood. I promised in our last post that we would look at what would happen if we took the blood out of the Bible. Our…
Introduction: Easter 2012 – It’s All About The Blood
“God’s love is all about the blood of Jesus Christ.” Last year for Easter we took a look at different characters surrounding the cross: the Roman Centurion, Peter, the thief on the cross, Barabbas, Joseph and of course none other than our Lord Himself. This year, I’d like to do a completely different study with…
Video – Our True Identity
Odd title, isn’t it? Well, sometimes I think we get so caught up in the “religion” part of the Believer’s life, that we forget the “Person” whom it is centered around – the Lord Jesus Christ. He is our true identity. I saw this video in my FaceBook feed one day and knew that it…