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Greater Vision

Tribute To A Legand

On a Monday morning I woke up in a hotel room in Nashville, Tennessee. The weather was less than kind the night before and I was still trying to convince myself it wasn’t the weekend – you could say that I’m still not use to attending Gospel events on a Monday! LOL However, I was…

Video – Jubilee 3

Here is some footage from the Jubilee concert I attended over Mothers Day weekend in Tennessee!  Enjoy!   [youtube][/youtube]

Video: Remembering The Music At Praisefest

Enjoy a few clips from the “Remember The Music” concert hosted at Praisefest Branson. These songs pay tribute to the legendary Cathedral Quartet by Southern Gospel Music’s top artists: Legacy Five, Greater Vision and the Mark Trammell Quartet. [youtube][/youtube]  

Part Two – Jubilee Concert

Greater Vision was the last group to perform before the intermission and kicked off their set with a well-loved number, He’d Still Been God.  As the song ended Gerald’s eyes lit up and he let out a whoop!  Then he hit the next track – a medley of hymns with the theme “redeemed.”  (Since I…

Tin-Ears, Macho Men, Barley Tones and a Lone Bass Singer…

After a trek to Nebraska on Wednesday I found myself driving to another concert that very Saturday, only this one took me in the opposite direction – Tennessee!  That weekend was the much anticipated “Jubilee 3” tour with Greater Vision, Legacy Five and the Booth Brothers.  I was privileged to be able to attend one…

CD Review: Jubilee 3

I remember when the first Jubilee project came out – it was the “rave” in SGM.  When Jubilee 2 was released, fans were ecstatic that Greater Vision, The Booth Brothers and Legacy Five were continuing the series.  Its mind blowing to think that now, I am sitting down to review Jubilee 3!  The first two…

A Leprechaun At Praisefest!

The last morning of Praisefest fell on Saint Patrick’s Day…well, I couldn’t let that opportunity pass by, eh? So, I dressed up like a Leprechaun! Green skirt, tights, shirt, hat and hair! Definitely different from my normal concert attire! LOL! As you can imagine, there were some curious looks cast my way and more than…

“Whence” Came An Impromptu Quartet!

At 8 A.M. the lovely city of Branson, Missouri is just waking up…unless you were at the Mansion Theatre, then you were already dressed, had your cup of coffee, found your parking place, and were ready to go watch some singing! (Although, it is of my most humble opinion, that Gospel Sing’s should not be…

Praise In A Mansion – In Branson

“Firsts” are special.  In life, things may get jumbled in the memory bank down through the years, but there is something irreplaceable about doing something for the first time.  You may remember the first time you attended NQC, or your first Gospel concert.  The first CD that developed your love for SGM or the first…