Two weeks ago, the Gospel Music Hymn Sing went on their Fall Tour and I was thrilled that one of the dates was in Nashville. I don’t know about y’all, but when the tour comes within driving distance, it spells road trip! And I couldn’t think of a better reason to hit the road than…
Hymn Sing Taping at Indian Trail Baptist Church
Shuttle buses maneuvered through the parking lot to let folks off at the church doors while guys in neon yellow vests directed even more cars to various areas of the lot. I stood watching from inside the church windows and thought, “Where are they putting all of those cars?” Just that morning, my friend and…
Memorial Day at Indian Creek – Saturday Night
The last day of the Indian Creek Baptist Church Memorial Day Gospel Singing was also the warmest day, but with Thursday and Friday’s beautiful weather, who could complain? And with the Mylon Hayes Family, Jonathan Wilburn and the Blackwood Brothers Quartet appearing on stage?… Well, it was bound to be a great evening! Before the…
Whisnants Homecoming – Part 2
The Whisnants Homecoming continued Saturday night with more great singing. In addition to the Whisnants, special guests were The Mylon Hayes Family, The Mark Trammell Quartet and Greater Vision. The evening began with The Mylon Hayes Family singing their up-beat, One More Opportunity, from their current CD, Devoted. Since I began writing CD reviews in…
Hymn Sing Tour – First Baptist Atlanta
In October, the Gospel Music Hymn Sing went on tour for the very first time and ended just before Thanksgiving with a special DVD taping at First Baptist of Atlanta, the church Dr. Charles Stanley pastor’s in Georgia. I can’t express how neat it is to be able to say that we not only attended…
Hymn Sing Tour 2015
Past the cotton fields of Missouri’s bootheel, the natural border of the Mississippi River and into the state of Illinois is the city of Marion. Sitting on the corner of town square is my favorite theater – The Marion Culture and Civic Center. Since 2012, when I first attended the Truthseekers Homecoming, this building and…