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NQC Friday Night – The Three “T’s”

From this post, you may imagine that Friday night at NQC was a short evening for me.  Though I didn’t find myself in Freedom Hall but three times to see Tribute Quartet, Triumphant Quartet and the Mark Trammell Quartet, life in the exhibit hall was far from short that night!  Let’s get to our three…

Bible Study At NQC – So Close, Yet, So Far Away

Bright and early on Friday morning (8:30 A.M. to be exact) the Bible Study began in the East Hall A-B featuring The Mark Trammell Quartet.  As a group, they sang, and then Mark brought before us a study from the Word… As any clever quartet would, MTQ kicked off their program with a fast song,…

NQC Tuesday Night – We Remember

September 11th has always been connected to the NQC in a special way.  Probably because, if you’ve ever heard Gerald reminisce about it, the National Quartet Convention was going on the Tuesday morning the towers fell.  It was quite different to look down at my program booklet and see 9/11 faded on the background where…

NQC Talent on Tuesday Afternoon

  Pulling out my NQC program booklet, I looked to see who was scheduled to sing next.  The National Quartet Convention offers a variety of showcases to attend during the day, and Tuesday afternoon I slipped into East Hall A-B for the “Featured Artists Showcase.”  This showcase began at 12:00 pm and ended at 4:00…

NQC 2012 – Monday Night On Main Stage

“The Exhibit Hall opens at four o’clock,” the announcer said over the intercom, “if you are in the exhibit hall, and you are not an exhibitor, please exit immediately.  Thank you.”  I smiled to myself while vacuuming the carpet in my sister’s booth.  Every year the same thing would be announced.  Fans were simply too…

Sharing The Worth Of Freedom

NQC is a great place to visit with artists that you can’t get around to see at any other time of the year. Such is the case with this trio, The Freedom Singers. Basing their ministry out of Kelowna, BC, Canada, makes seeing them in the States is a very special treat! Though these guys…

Jeff’s Favorite Hankie

Another group that I had the privilege of catching up with at NQC was none other than 2011’s Favorite Traditional Quartet of the Year – Triumphant Quartet! Eric Bennett and Jeff Stice were very kind enough to take the time to chat with me about their new project, Songs of The Heart, and tell us…

Van Keys, A New Cd and A Chat With Gus At NQC

Legacy Five’s tenor, Gus Gaches, sat down with us to discuss L5’s new project – A Wonderful Life.  We had an interesting time, as you’ll see, with our friends Performa Technologies across the aisle, who would occasionally “demonstrate” their sound systems … Gus and I were momentarily distracted.  You’ll enjoy the recount of a practical…

Mayberry Insights from Southern Gospel’s Goober

Thursday evening we caught up with the person who is bringing back the double-breasted suit, Pat Barker, bass singer for the Mark Trammell Quartet. I noticed right away that it was “group suit night” – which makes me wonder, how does Pat always manage to look so dapper? In this clip, Pat shares how he…

Red Roots Run Deep – NQC 2011

If you are a Singing News subscriber, you have certainly noticed the full page ads featuring the Red Roots.  I was curious about this new trio, so I tracked them down to hear their performance in the Featured Artists Showcase.  I was not disappointed!  After the showcase, I went back into the Convention Hall and…