While at Convention, I found several artists who were kind enough to take the time to chat with me and answer a few questions. In this clip, we are talking with Brian Free. As you can imagine, crowds were heavy in the Convention Hall, so the background noise can be a distraction at times. Thank…
Picture of the Day – NQC Part 1
Once again we capture another priceless expression from our beloved Michael Booth – aka Tenor of the Year! What is Michael doing??? Post your answer in the comment’s section!
The Final Night – NQC Saturday Evening
I walked into Freedom Hall just as our host, Michael Booth, was instructing the crowd in four different types of applause that our NQC stage staff wanted to record for the NQC video. First up, we were asked to do a “light applause,” and to demonstrate the lightness of the matter, Michael “floated” around the…
Song of a Lifetime Showcase – NQC
Saturday – the last day of NQC. Though I was sad that day came so soon, I was looking forward to the day’s events and showcases. The Song of a Lifetime showcase hosted by Phil Cross was definitely one of the week’s highlights for me; in fact, I would dare to say that it was…
From Afghanistan To NQC – Friday Night
The Friday night Main Stage event at NQC was one memorable night for me, even though I was only able to be in Freedom Hall for the last half of the evening. Our hosts for the night were Dennis Swanberg and Debra Talley. I walked in when Gerald Wolfe was on stage leading the audience…
Real Tenors Wear Pink! – Thursday at NQC
The Thursday night Main Stage performance at NQC was one of the longest nights I spent in Freedom Hall. It was just one of those nights that everyone I wanted to see was on, so when I reached my seat, I settled in for a long night! Tim Lovelace entertained the audience with some “Fan…
NQC – Wednesday Night Main Stage
Our host for the Wednesday night Main Stage event at NQC was none other than the Grammy Award winning Jason Crabb, and his co-hosts were the Sisters! I found myself scrambling into Freedom Hall when the Browns were on stage performing a violin instrumental …which was very powerful from what I heard walking down the…
NQC Main Stage Tuesday Night
For me, Tuesday evening’s Main Stage started with Channing Eleton playing his blazing piano solo, Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee. Dean and Kim Hopper were our hosts for Tuesday evening, and boy did we hear some good singin’! What I love about NQC is that I get the opportunity to see artists that never come…
Christmas at NQC ~ Tuesday Morning
“Christmas … the only time you can get the whole world to focus, for a brief moment, on the fact that Jesus came to earth.” – Gerald Wolfe Gerald Wolfe was our host for the morning showcase, Christmas at NQC, and he wanted to start this off with the world’s greatest musician, Stan Whitmire, who…
Monday Night Main Stage – NQC!
Monday, the first official day of the National Quartet Convention! To say that there was excitement in the air would be an understatement! I was so excited I spent almost the entire night in Main Stage and didn’t even realize it. LOL. Gerald Wolfe and Karen Peck were our hosts for the evening, and they…