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The Shallow Sea

                                                                                                                                                                      Half Moon Cay, or, San Salvador, was the second destination on our tour of the Bahamas.  At 9:00 AM, the announcement was made that you could begin disembarking for the island.  At nine o’clock, I was in the Coconut Lounge eating breakfast and looking out on the turquoise waters.  We agreed the day before…

First Sight of Land

All through breakfast I tried not to be rude, but my eyes kept wondering to the windows on my right hand side where I could snatch glimpses of the sea.  There would be plenty of time to gaze at the endless ocean afterwards.  My two breakfast companions, Bev and her friend, had been telling me…

900 Miles Later…

It felt odd wearing a summer dress in February, but as I walked into the West Jacksonville Baptist Church (WJBC) it felt more like summer.  Then again, we were in Florida…and it sure beat the winter temperatures we left at home!  It was the night before the cruise (Singing at Sea) and one of the…

From The Word…Happy vs. Blessed

This year I hope to introduce a new series to my readers called “From The Word.”  It will feature YouTube videos of biblical sermons from a variety of speakers to strengthen and encourage our faith.  The first selection is from Mark Trammell where he preaches on the difference between happiness and blessedness.  The video is…