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Book Review: On The Other Side by Candy Christmas

The thought may have crossed your mind that Southern Gospel Music artists are like missionaries.  Instead of battling the mission fields of Africa or South America, these men and women fight on the front lines of home.  In churches, convention centers, festivals…and even under a bridge.  Wherever they are, they bring the message of Jesus…

GIVE-A-WAY …the waiting has just begun!

Hello everyone, and welcome to the June give-a-way on Lynn’s Chronicles!  Since today obviously isn’t the first Friday of the month, allow me to explain why I’m late in posting this contest.  The last week my family and I have been on vacation: so far we have traveled to Ohio (to visit family), Pennsylvania (for…

CD Review: Me and a Piano – Jeff Stice

If you have ever seen Triumphant Quartet in concert, been to a piano showcase at NQC (National Quartet Convention) or another venue that features SGM pianists, you’ve heard Jeff Stice tare the keys up a time or two.  Sometimes he’ll play a exciting rendition of “Joshua Fit’ The Battle Of Jericho,” and at other times…

Bookshelf Update

Throughout the year I’ve been collecting more books about Southern Gospel Music, so it’s time to add to the list I’ve started!  (See INTRODUCTION for more SGM titles.)  So far, I have read two of the six books listed below, Hear My Heart and On the Other Side.  Both are a great reads and let…

BFA Devotional – A New Thing

“Lord, won’t You do a new thing Use me like You never had before I’ve seen the tried and true thing It made me want to serve You even more I want to let my light shine, so everyone can see And be the kind of witness, that You would have me be Just like…

BFA Devotional – I Believe

A shepherd boy killing a giant with a sling shot on the first try… A man thrown into a lion’s den, yet, alive three days later… Three men cast into a furnace but not consumed by the flames… A city collapses by the sound of a trumpet blast… About a million people walking through a…

We Have A Winner!!!

We have a winner for May’s Give-A-Way: watch the video to see who it is!  I had a lot of fun conducting this drawing and I want to thank everyone for entering.  Remember, the next GIVE-A-WAY is June 1st! Once again, THANKS and be sure to come again!

Two Quartets – One Stage – One Cause

My travels in Southern Gospel Music have taken me to many places across the nation.  Every now and then, I get to go somewhere new!  That’s exactly where I went for this next concert review – somewhere new…   Yep!  For the very first time in my life I went to the state of Nebraska…

BFA Devotional – Healed

I’ve been healed, I’ve been touched by His grace I’ve felt His power, and now I am changed There’s one explanation, the God of creation Has done a miracle in me Let my story been know, let the truth be told I have been healed. For our devotionals this month we’ve been taking songs from…

DVD Review – Anything Is Possible

I’ve had the opportunity to attend many concerts by various artists in Southern Gospel Music, and they always are such a blessing! BUT, each concert has to end, and at the end, I have to go home. Well, concert DVDs have given a remedy to this problem by allowing fans to take home video of…