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Elvis, a Sax, the Snow Maker and a Hungry Wig!

The Jubilee tours have brought three of Southern Gospel Music’s most popular groups together for a series of concerts that can’t be topped by anything else in the genre.  Over the last couple of years, Greater Vision, Legacy Five and the Booth Brothers have traveled together, shared the stage and released three unforgettable CD’s.  So,…

Christ in the Nativity: Part 3 – The Camel

The servant gently swung the rug over the camel’s back. After straightening it and making sure the fringe was even on both sides, he lifted the saddle in place. “Strange thing,” thought the servant, “that the magi would be leaving on such on long trip…but to be in the presence of a king would be…

A Christmas Journey…in Nashville, Tennessee!

The Tuesday after Thanksgiving I awoke in Nashville, Tennessee – that evening, I walked into College Heights Baptist Church anticipating the dinner theater that was being held there at seven o’clock.  College Heights is the church that Steve Hurst attends, and many of you know that I’ve attended the Steve Hurst School of Music for…

It Works…

  …You are probably wondering, “What works?”  Well, my answer is simple, the Gospel – no matter what format it’s in, it works.  That idea formed the theme for the Greater Vision concert I attended the night before Veterans Day in Steeleville, Missouri at the Meramec Theater.  As Gerald reminded us many, many times, “You…

From Tennessee To Missouri…the Music Continues!

  The last session of Greater Vision’s Praisefest was on October 31st, Halloween.  A few days later, we were home anticipating another great Gospel music concert down the road in Mountain Grove, Missouri.  This annual concert we were present at celebrated it’s 9th year, and this was our third year to attend.  Previous years, the…

Christ in the Nativity: Part 2 – The Wise Men

The Magi stood with his head tilted upward in the dead of night, gazing at the bright orb shining above him in the sky.  A star like that had never been spotted before…ever.  And the scrolls proved it.  They all had diligently studied the meaning of the unique star and had come to one conclusion…


Merry Christmas everyone!  I can’t believe that it is December already, can you?  So the question is, are you ready for Christmas?  I am!  The house is decorated, the trees are up and the weather has that chill to it reminding me winter is in full swing.  There is only one thing missing – Christmas…

Christ in the Nativity: Part 1 – The Star

The earth was silent.  All creatures of the field were nuzzled in their dens and nests, watching, waiting.  Even the sky, with its twinkling lights hung deathly still in a veil of darkness.  All creation seemed to hold its breath in anticipation of what would take place that night.  Somehow, they just knew… That night…