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GIVE-A-WAY: Through The Years

Howdy everyone! I hope ya’ll are enjoying your summer! Down here in Missouri we are coming up on almost two weeks of temps at 100 degrees! The hottest day we‘ve had so far was around the last week in June…it was 115 degrees outside! *scream* Anyway, we are ready to give away another CD this…

Seeing A Legacy Live

The Meramec Music Theater brings in the best in Southern Gospel Music every month.  If you’ve been keeping an eye on this site from the beginning of the year, you’ll know that just a few short months ago I saw Brian Free and Assurance there…and if you know me, you can guess that I’ll be…

Video Blog: Legacy Five in Kearney

Watch Legacy Five as they feature lead singer Scott Fowler on Hello After Goodbye, tenor Gus Gaches on Holy Is Thy Name and the classic that brings the audience to their feet every time – We Shall See Jesus. Enjoy!   [youtube][/youtube]

Southern Gospel and Super-Hero’s

  The fourth and final concert that we attended while on vacation is one that I look forward to every year – the Superman Festival.  For four days the city of Metropolis, Illinois is the hub of festivities.  Booths line each side of the street displaying all kind of goodies (including peanut butter funnel cakes!…very…

“Wherever This Is Ohio” – Mark Trammell

A week down the road we found ourselves cruising down the curvy roads of Ava, Ohio in search of the Ava United Methodist Church.  This would be our third concert to attend while on vacation and we were soaking it up!  Ava was a small town with big character.  For the first time ever, we…

Video: Remembering The Music At Praisefest

Enjoy a few clips from the “Remember The Music” concert hosted at Praisefest Branson. These songs pay tribute to the legendary Cathedral Quartet by Southern Gospel Music’s top artists: Legacy Five, Greater Vision and the Mark Trammell Quartet. [youtube][/youtube]  

Fairfield, Fried Baloney and Flower Pots

If you have been following my Facebook and/or Twitter account, you’ll know that my family and I just arrived home from our vacation. In two weeks, we passed through eight states, drove over 2,500 miles, visited family, the Creation Museum, Gettysburg, a conference, saw the moonbow at Cumberland Falls, and of course, a Southern Gospel…

Part Two – Jubilee Concert

Greater Vision was the last group to perform before the intermission and kicked off their set with a well-loved number, He’d Still Been God.  As the song ended Gerald’s eyes lit up and he let out a whoop!  Then he hit the next track – a medley of hymns with the theme “redeemed.”  (Since I…

Tin-Ears, Macho Men, Barley Tones and a Lone Bass Singer…

After a trek to Nebraska on Wednesday I found myself driving to another concert that very Saturday, only this one took me in the opposite direction – Tennessee!  That weekend was the much anticipated “Jubilee 3” tour with Greater Vision, Legacy Five and the Booth Brothers.  I was privileged to be able to attend one…

CD Review: Jubilee 3

I remember when the first Jubilee project came out – it was the “rave” in SGM.  When Jubilee 2 was released, fans were ecstatic that Greater Vision, The Booth Brothers and Legacy Five were continuing the series.  Its mind blowing to think that now, I am sitting down to review Jubilee 3!  The first two…