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Steve Hurst School Of Music

Hidden Talent: Week Two – The Broken Ones

    It’s week two of Hidden Talent on Lynn’s Chronicles!  This week we are featuring Alyssa Jolley on the Talley’s popular ballad “The Broken Ones.”  I first heard Alyssa sing at the Steve Hurst School of Music and WOW – the voice Alyssa has is amazing!  I hope you enjoy it!  

Highlights: Steve Hurst School of Music – Part 1

Well, ya’ll have been waiting very patiently for some posts from my week at the Steve Hurst School of Music – so here we go!!! For the year of 2012, the Steve Hurst School of Music was hosted at the Lee University Campus in Cleveland, Tennessee over the course of one week, July 22 –…

Up On This Ridge

Hey Everyone – I wanted to share this GREAT video from Channing Eleton, part of my Steve Hurst Family.  Channing is a genuine, sincere person who loves the Lord!   This is best viewed in HD, (720p or 1080p), and is the Official Music Video for ‘Up On This Ridge’…from the Channing Eleton CD, ‘Summer…

Video Blog – Highlights From SHS!

[flv width=”800″ height=”375″][/flv] Here are some evening highlights from the Steve Hurst School of Music.  These by no means represent even the smallest portion of school life – there’s so much more!!!  You’ll watch Joyce read a letter to Steve as he tries to guess “who” the author is – I really giggled at the…

Carpet Glue, Chicken and Cake!

Well, it’s here, the final day of the Steve Hurst School of Music!  This year seemed like the week went by really fast!  ***sad***  Since it was the 20th Anniversary, Steve decided to end classes at noon and just go into an all-out celebration the rest of the day!  Though the day was considerably shortened…

Thursday at SHS – Mountains, Music and Gold

“Whatever He gives you – take that opportunity.” – Steve Hurst Steve led the morning Chapel service with a short devotion of Psalm 133.  He pointed out that in this short chapter there are two mountains mentioned.  “As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion : for…

Substitute Teachers and Singing Homecoming Style!

The familiar tune of Mansion Over The Hilltop greeted me as I walked into Chapel on Wednesday morning.  Jeff Stice was on stage at the piano creating those beautiful chords and phrases.  (Warning: musical terms!)  Once everyone came in and was settled, we enjoyed a solo from Mary Anne, one of the vocal teachers.  She…

Tuesday At SHS – The Piano Fan Fair and Much More!

Though my mind was ready for another day, my stomach was not…it was crazy to realize that according to the time zone my body was accustomed to, I was getting up at 5:00 a.m. – eating breakfast at 6:00 a.m. – having lunch at 10:30 – and consuming dinner at 3:30 p.m. – and not…

Monday At The Steve Hurst School Of Music

“We get so busy with good things we forget to stop and say, ‘God, the One I love the most is You” – Steve Hurst On Monday I was up before my alarm clock went off!  Excited would be a good word to describe what I was feeling in spite of losing an hour’s sleep…