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Truthseekers Homecoming

The Only Light In Town…

A long intermission. Missing singers during the last half of the program. That’s how the Second Half Quartet accidentally fell together in 2014 at the Truthseekers Homecoming. When the quartet retired in the fall of 2018, it seemed only fitting that they appear one more time at the event of their birthplace. Saturday night at…

Two Quartets

Friday morning, the Truthseekers Homecoming was a wonderful combination of fellowship, music and teaching. The Truthseekers sang classics like “Everybody Ought To Know,” “I’m Satisfied,” “I’ve Got That Old Time Religion” and many others. After the music, Pastor Andy Lee came to the pulpit and spoke on a passage in 2 Timothy and once again,…

The 35th Anniversary Kicks Off In 3, 2, 1!

Most events start with an evening concert, but if you’re in Marion, Illinois the first third full weekend of March for the Truthseekers Homecoming, the weekend starts on Thursday morning. With coffee brewing at 8:00 AM and fresh donuts from a local bakery, the Thursday morning Prayer Breakfast is the gathering place for both the…

Home of the Second Half Quartet

The last evening of the Truthseekers Homecoming was upon us.  As people buzzed around the lobby chatting with artists and buying that box of popcorn, I couldn’t help but replay the events of the day.  The Prayer Breakfast began with some amazing biscuits and gravy provided by Stonefort Baptist. Their pastor, Jeff Owens, brought the…

Going Green…

When you go to a Gospel Sing on St. Patrick’s Day, you never know what might turn up being green.  At the Friday morning Prayer Breakfast, it was the donuts.  Yep, that’s right – green Krispy Kreme donuts!  The batter was dyed green but they tasted just the same.  There was also an assorted box…

The Cross Left A Mark On Me – Truthseekers Homecoming

When I turn the calendar over to the month of March, there is one thing I always look forward to…and it’s not the erratic Missouri weather!  It’s the Truthseekers Homecoming in Marion, Illinois!  This three day event in Southern Illinois has been a favorite of mine for six years now.  Whether Mother Nature sends us…

Bald Knob Cross – Southern Illinois

Jim and Mary Snider are some of the most excellent hosts you will meet in the promoting business.  The Truthseekers’ Homecoming, held at the Marion Cultural and Civic Center, is a place where you feel at home the moment you step in the building; a feeling that all of the Truthseekers lavish upon each attendee. …

Last But Not Least

The time on my iPhone read seven o’clock.  From the lobby, I could hear music begin in the auditorium through the speakers wired into the foyer.  As the past two nights of the Truthseekers Homecoming, we were looking forward to another wonderful line-up.  The guests for the evening were Greater Vision and The Mark Trammell…

Still Sold Out

As quickly as my wobbly high heels would take me, I ascended the grand staircase to the balcony of the Marion Cultural and Civic Center.  By the time I found my seat on the last row, The Truthseekers were singing The Blood is Still There, a beautiful mid-tempo ballad about the eternal value of the…

The Marion Move to March – Sold Out!

A dilemma.  That’s what I found myself in almost one year ago when I learned that two of my favorite Gospel Sings were booked for the exact same dates for 2015.  For the last several years, February weather had given The Truthseekers a few surprises during their Homecoming.  Last year, a tornado wiped out the…