September 11th – a date that keeps showing up in history.
September 11,1297 – Scotland fights against England at Sterling Bridge…September 11, 1683 – the Ottoman Empire falls to the Austrians, where the Austrians, Germans and Poles stopped the Ottoman Empire and began to throw them out of Europe…September 11, 1941 – ground was broken for construction on the Pentagon…September 11, 1948 – the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah passed away…Finally, our very own World Trade Centers crumbled to ashes on September 11, 2001 when a hijacked U. S. Airliner crashed into the Pentagon, and another airliner crashed in Pennsylvania after the brave passengers tried to retake the plane.
September 11th… a date that keeps showing up in history. It is both interesting and enlightening to go back and see what happened on this day in years past. Wars, deaths, new beginnings ~ this day has quite the history in itself!
Yet, as we remember the families who lost their loved ones on that fateful day when America seemed under attack, let us keep in mind that as the time for Christ’s return draws near, tragedies like September 11th will continue to happen. Though heartache and trials abound until that time, we are comforted in knowing that Jesus is coming soon and then all these sorrows will end. He is our Hope! At the same time, we realize that we do not follow Christ expecting life to be perfect or without trials, so until He comes, while we travel through this veil of tears, we can claim this little chorus from Crossway as our own…
If You took it all away
Every gift You ever gave
The sun that shines in my days
The stars that You display
And if You never blessed again
If You gave another trial instead
If the precious thing that I held
Was stripped out of my hand
I will stand and praise Your Holy Name
If You took it all away…
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